July 25, 2024

David vs. Goliath: Can Private Labels Topple Big Brands?

The New Retail Battleground As a keen observer of retail trends, I've noticed a fascinating…
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July 10, 2024

Customer Lifetime Value: The Most Ignored Growth Metric

Customer Lifetime Value: The Most Ignored Growth Metric As a marketing strategy consultant, I've seen…
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June 30, 2024

How to Segment a Market like a Pro? – A Short Guide to Entrepreneurs

A couple of years ago, an entrepreneur approached me with an idea: to start a…
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May 23, 2024

Why Social Currency is the New Frontier in Brand Management?

Hey, welcome to another new edition of Mindful Marketing blog. In this blog post, I…
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March 5, 2024

Vicious or Virtuous Cycle – Which one are you riding on?

In my experience as a strategy consultant, understanding the dynamics of vicious and virtuous cycles…
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February 26, 2024

How Yin and Yang shape Business Strategy

The Yin and Yang philosophy tells us the existence and interplay of opposing forces in…
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February 16, 2024

7 Habits of Highly Effective CMOs

If you examine the job descriptions of Chief Marketing Officers or Heads of Marketing, you'll…
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February 9, 2024

Founder – Market Fit Explained

Most people attempting to start a company find understanding the market and aligning its needs…
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February 8, 2024

Associational Thinking – The Secret to Innovation

Most of the famous innovators in history, like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Tesla, possessed…
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February 1, 2024

Logo vs. Symbol: The Difference

Developing a logo is easy—just hire a good designer. But turning it into a symbol…
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